Mittelschule Peiting

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Mittelschule Peiting
Ludwigstraße 4a
86971 Peiting
Tel: 08861 2503-0
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English theatre

On 29th October we (the classes 8 to 10) saw an English play about bullying in the Schlossberghalle Peiting. The theatre was about two kids, a boy and a girl who were bullied from other pupils from their school.

Bad comments and photos were posted in social networks. The boy asked for help and in the end he could handle the situation. The girl didn’t say anything to someone and so the situation just got worse. Finally the bullying was so bad that she didn’t see a solution and so she killed herself. The two actors were British and after the play the pupils had the chance to ask them some questions in English.

(Anna Homuth, 10M)